Downtown Mural Project – Yazoo City, MS

Tom Johnson, pictured below, has been a champion of adding artwork to downtown spaces to help beautify and attract visitors to downtown Yazoo City.  Tom asked me to help install 4 murals that will crown the entry of walkway/park that allows pedestrians to walk from main street and access parking located at the rear of local businesses. We also recently repaired a bench in the park that had fallen into disrepair.

Thanks to Tom for helping to put a new face on an area that had begun to deteriorate due to lack of maintenance.  Be sure to visit Yazoo City this holiday season and enjoy the new artwork and the amazing and colorful Christmas light show that brightens main street  for local shoppers & Yazoo visitors.

Lower Mural

Lower Mural

Bench repair at downtown Park

Bench repair at downtown Park

Project Complete

Project Complete

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