On my most recent visit to San Luis Obispo, we put in a good many hours hiking around the Irish Hills and taking a few pictures along the way. Spring rains have made the trails a bit challenging but I’m sure the birds and other wildlife have no complaints.
This horned owl was hunting at the trail head off the end of Madonna Road. She provided quite a show. The YC sparrow was in the creek below where the owl was sighted.
All of the shots below were also taken at the Irish Hills.
How often have you seen a hummingbird tending her nest? This was the first for me. The new camera even picked up some cobwebs on her beak making me think she just had a “spider” lunch. An interesting possibility! I was told later by a local expert that these birds actually harvest cobwebs intentionally to build/reinforce their nests. If you look close, you can see the result. I learned something new here!
White Crowned Sparrows are pretty common birds but getting a shot like this in the morning sun is always a joyful experience. I felt like this was an exceptional image and the WCS, at least in this moment, was one of the most spectacular birds on the planet.
The Irish Hills park is a special piece of open space which, in my opinion, ranks up there with the best in the USA. The birds seem to love it too!
On a later outing to Morro Bay State Park these Godwits were out hunting for breakfast. The Godwit was – for me – especially memorable as these were the first I’d ever seen. It was so much fun to watch them search for food in the mid morning surf.