Monthly Archives: May 2024

Bosque – Spring Visit

This gallery contains 15 photos.

As we ambled down the Rio Grande Bosque trail this morning, my birding partner and I were commenting on how few birds we were seeing.  The ones we saw or heard were not posing for pictures either.  Gloom was descending … Continue reading

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This gallery contains 2 photos.

Birds are capricious little buggers and successful bird watching is largely a matter of luck.  One may study the birds habitats, behaviour, seasonal patterns of migration, etc., etc., Then one may synthesize this information and place himself in the exact … Continue reading

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Mississippi Kites on the Rio Grande

This gallery contains 5 photos.

Once in a while, a bird watcher gets to experience something quite out of the ordinary and usually in a place where that something is least expected.   This week, an neighbor and I had a friendly argument and subsequent wager … Continue reading

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The Bosque

This gallery contains 3 photos.

The Rio Grande is a major western river that cuts through an inhospitable desert much like some of its counterparts.  The San Juan and the Colorado rivers being good examples.  From 30,000 feet, these rivers appear as mere threads cutting … Continue reading

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